Getting Qualified

First Step

Connect to your Raivest Certified Lender by calling or sending an email to Raivest. Having your pre-qualification letter before you start looking for a property to purchase, gives you a greater chance of success to achieving your goals. Your pre-qualification letter makes your offer much stronger and can be a determining factor for the seller to accepting an offer. Getting qualified is an easy process and can be completed within 72 hours. Qualification time may vary depending on case by case basis.

Second Step

After you receive your qualification letter, the search for your new property can begin with confidence. Knowing that your lender is there to help you finance your purchase.

Third Step

Close the deal! Your lender will work with you through out the entire process along with your Raivest Realty Agent by your side



Loans Available


Great for First Time Home Buyers!


ZERO money down loans available for Veterans!


ZERO money down loans available!


Your Qualified Lender will help guide you to the best loans available and educate you on the current benefits available that you may be entitled to.

Contact Us

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